sih-2019 || Problem statements along with videos


             Here i have provided 10 topics that are mentioned in smart India Hackathon page-1's and 2nd page problem statement along with the video so comment below whether it was helpful for you if yes then click on follow in the right.


1.India Health Link Pvt Ltd(complex):-

Technology bucket:- Healthcare & Biomedical Devices

Problem statement:-Smart body posture recognition & Guiding system

Description:-We have a self service wellness KIOSK that measures health vital parameters like BMI, BMC, BP, ECG, Pulse, Temp. And it designed to be non-assisted while user measures the vitals. A right body posture yields a correct result. We wanted the system should capture the image of the uses body posture like hand, leg etc via camera and through image processing; Compare the required postures for particular test, Analyse and guide users to have right posture in case the test is not carried out proper

2.India Health Link Pvt Ltd(complex)

Technology bucket:-Software - Web App development
Problem statement:-Personal Health Influencers through social network
Description:-Build an API for IHL users (from IHL platform) to choose/select their friends/others from facebook, LinkedIN, whatsapp, others to form a group to play a challenge like average no of steps in a month, healthy food habits, health vitals (decrease in weight/BP etc.Gamify user experience to win rewards, badges etc.

3.Thermo Fisher(complex)

Technology bucket:-Healthcare & Biomedical Devices
Problem statement:-Real Time Mapping of Epidemic Spread
Description:-We envision a simple portal which shall provide real time data on how an epidemic is and can spread. Real time status and alerts will be the primary objective of this project. To achieve this objective, we will need to build layers of crowd sourced data that will add up to provide rich real time status of an epidemic spread as it happens.


Technology bucket:-Software - Mobile App development
Problem statement:-Uplifting the Farmer through a Connected Ecosystem
Description:-How can a farmer gain access to all the elements of his farming cycle?one stop shop where he has access to information from different aggregators, for retailing , leasing & finally taking his produce to the nearest mandi. Application to provide a means of easy transaction for all his farming activities and his personal expenses. Agri credit should help him buy/lease Farm Machinery & have access to all the local vendors for his plantation needs including expert advice from the local university.

5.Praj Industries Limited.

Technology bucket:-Clean Water
Problem statement:-Removal of Volatile Acids (eg AA) in waste stream.
Description:-During various unit operations vapors are getting generated for separation of water, which are then condensed. While handling the effluents, process mixtures, the volatile acids are coming out along with vapors and then in condensate, which is generally colorless. For recycle & reuse of this separated water, we have to treat this to remove volatile acids (main component Acetic Acid). If we innovate / develop techno-economic solution for removal of such volatile acids, lot of water will be reused.

6.SSEPL Skills Pvt Ltd.

Technology bucket:-Software - Web App development
Problem statement:-Online Adaptive Assessment Platform
Description:-Aspirants/Students can be assessed on different fields using this website. Fields can be Reasoning, Aptitude, Technical MCQ, Coding etc. This will be an online platform with questions at different levels (Difficulty). Candidate would start at assessment with a medium difficulty question and depending on its response, the platform should decide the next level of questions to be shown (level would increase or decrease as per response). Each question would be assigned a weightage and time duratio

7.ABB GIS Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Smart Vehicles
Problem statement:-Big Data challenges for the e-Mobility
Description:-An EV user must be assured that power will be available when needed especially in an unfamiliar area. A route optimization approach based on Machine Learning needs to be considered to ensure that vehicle drivers are led to the nearest or their preferred e-Station.

8.ABB GIS Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Smart Vehicles
Problem statement:-Big Data challenges for e-Mobility- infra operator
Description:-The E-Charging Operators (equivalent of today’s petrol pump operators) need a Big Data approach to ensure their customers (end-users) satisfaction and optimum utilization of the e-Charging stations. The operator may have fast or slow charging infrastructure with their own payment terms and timings. Based on a data-centric approach the operator can offer dynamic pricing at stipulated times and manage the peak demand accordingly.

9.ABB GIS Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Smart cities
Problem statement:-Big Data challenges for e-Mobility- Smart City
Description:-A Smart city will have various elements like power, water, etc monitored through a central control room. The Control Center will be the single source of information for administrators and decision makers. The new set of challenges faced by a Smart Grid, e-Charging network and e-Vehicle users culminate in the Smart City Control room as an indicator of traffic movement/congestion, power demand and various other related parameters. The solution need to be integrated into the Smart city control room

10.ABB GIS Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Energy / Renewable Energy
Problem statement:-Locate faults in Power Distribution Networks
Description:-Over the time, cities have built the power distribution asset in phases with varied product technologies. At the time of faults in the physical infrastructure, the distribution utilities take huge time to identify and pin point the fault in the physical infrastructure (especially the cable faults, which is mix of overhead and underground infra). Also, faults in networks are catered to only after they occur. A low cost prediction solution will help in better planning for ad-hoc maintenance.

11. Hughes Systique Pvt Ltd:-

Technology bucket:-Security & Surveillance
Problem statement:-Secure distributed transaction recording system
Description:-Design a system by which we can record and make visible/non-falsifiable/non-repudiable the different transactions between a common citizen and a govt. department for getting and managing a particular form of license/permit. For a specific example, we consider the driving permit. The system should be able to track the different transactions starting from getting the permit (retail/commercial), renewal, recording of traffic rule violations, and possibly, revocation/suspension

12.Quick Heal

Technology bucket:-Security & Surveillance
Problem statement:-Effectively writing YARA rules to detect malwares
Description:-Search engine for YARA signature pattern selection. • Automatically generating YARA rules/signatures that cover a specific set of files. • Short scanning time for YARA signatures on large amount of data (clean set) for identifying the best signature candidate. • The generated YARA rules should be generic i.e. single signature should cover multiple malware samples.

13.CDK Global (India)Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Software - Web App development
Problem statement:-Common Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) Portal
Description:-Currently most organisation have their own CSR activities and perform social events separately. Due to lack of resources and budgets, it limits their ability to perform these activities on larger scale or remote areas. Also other corporates may not be aware of such events, so that they can participate as well. So idea is to develop an organised Common CSR portal where different corporates or individuals can come together and collectively provide valuable service to society.

14.CDK Global (India)Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Software - Mobile App development
Problem statement:-Birth/Death Registration Integration With Services
Description:-There are different services which are linked to Birth and Death of an individual. If these services are integrated together it will help individuals. Maternity Nursing home register’s child birth to Municipal Office Then Parent / guardian can one time enter the name of their child and get a print of Birth Certificate after few days. No need to visit MO. In case of Death registration at MO then build a system which will notify all tear down services to update death status of the individual.

15.CDK Global (India)Pvt Ltd

Technology bucket:-Healthcare & Biomedical Devices
Problem statement:-Ambulance Service
Description:-Ambulance services are important for Health & Medical facilities. Requirement is to build a mobile app similar to Ola / Uber cab services. But it will be for Ambulance services. This app will have Ambulance driver’s register their availability and location. Both Executive at Emergency Helpline and User’s on the other hand on App’s Client interface will book an ambulance. This will promise a fast and reliable ambulance service in case of emergency.



Technology bucket:-Agriculture and Rural Development
Problem statement:-Low cost & smart cooling system for tractor cabin
Description:-intent is to a design a smart cabin & cooling system for the tractor that would employ a very thoughtful design of a. cabin ensuring all round visibility b. Alternatively, new innovative concepts of cooling without a cabin can also be thought of, cooled seat c. Smart cooling system d. a smart cooling algorithm e. low cost design f. carbon footprint should be at least 50% less and should be compatible for future electric tractors


Technology bucket:-Smart Communication
Problem statement:-Low cost on the go soil sensing and mapping attached to implements
Description:-Soil Health and Soil Mapping is important for the plant growth and productivity of the Farming. There is an important need to determine NPK (Macro), Micro Nutrients, Electrical conductivity, soil compactness, Organic Content, Soil Moisture, PH value to determine the soil health and map it against the GPS location. GPS tagged information will help user to correct amount of fertilizer at correct location. The soil health data card is very important parameter to monitor for every crop season.

3.Saguna Rural Foundation:-

Technology bucket:-Agriculture and Rural Development
Problem statement:-A seed sowing machine for Zero-Till farming
Description:-The machine should operate on a permanent raised bed of 100 cm width which can sow seeds with fertilizer in 5 rows at 25 cm apart. Seeds - rice, gram, pea, groundnut, bajra, maize, Val, etc. Mechanism should be preferably impact dibbler or it should make very thin slit of max depth of 30-40 cm. It should cover the seeds after sowing and be operated by 1-2 people either manually or by 1 hp power and sow 0.6 to 1 ha in 8 hours. Potential of it being self-driven to get higher speed.

4.Praj Industries Limited:-

Technology bucket:-Clean Water
Problem statement:-Development of Non-fouling metallic surfaces/coats
Description:-To concentrate effluent generally evaporation technic is used. During evaporation plant operation, due to inorganic & organic contents in effluent, fouling occurs on surface of tubes after some duration. This reduces the capacity of plant & need to be cleaned by Cleaning In Place (CIP). If we find the suitable Non-fouling metallic surfaces / coatings for tubes, we can reduce the CIP chemical & water consumption & down time of cleaning. This can give benefit for plant operation and water saving.

5.Praj Industries Limited:-

Technology bucket:-Agriculture and Rural Development
Problem statement:-Biomass Size reduction with low power consumption.
Description:-In nature we can see lot of Biomass & which can be used for various applications. But for processing this biomass for particular use, we need to do size reduction. At present there is equipment available which can do this, but the power consumption for unit operation is very high. This increases the operating cost of that plant. If we can design / develop size reduction equipment with low power consumption, then it will benefit all biomass based industries.

6.Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd:-

Technology bucket:-Miscellaneous
Problem statement:-Steam Trap Health Monitoring
Description:-To develop a steam trap failure detection system which can detect steam trap failures remotely, accurately and in real-time. The solution should be non-intrusive and should make use of wireless mode of communication. (A video of one kind of steam trap operation is shared)

7.Forbes Marshall Pvt. Ltd:-

Technology bucket:-Miscellaneous
Problem statement:-Efficient and Robust Float Design
Description:-Problem Statement – Design a Float that is very light in weight, for working condition of Pressure 20Bar & Temperature 220°C. The Float should be able to withstand 100 cycles of external high pressure pulse of 100Bar. Additional details – In many process plants steam is used as a source of energy. Efficient distribution of steam is critical for maintaining process parameters and ensuring that energy wastage is minimal. An important equipment, part of the distribution network, is the steam trap. A Steam trap is an automatic drain valve which distinguishes between steam and condensate. A well-functioning steam trap will hold back steam in the distribution line while discharging condensate under varying pressures or loads. When the steam trap fails, it can lead to water logging (condensate) in distribution pipes, thus reducing the efficiency of steam energy, disturb process parameters, or even lead to wastage of steam through discharge in open atmosphere. Steam traps are mechanical equipment which employs different principles such as buoyancy, pressure, temperature etc. for their operation. A ball float type trap is based on the buoyancy principle where rise in condensate level lifts the ball float, opening the orifice and allowing the condensate to be flushed out of steam carrying pipes. In certain processes, typically on -off heating processes, opening of the valve causes sudden discharge of condensate at very high velocity to the trap. The high velocity water discharge impinges on the float causing it to implode. The ON-OFF cycles expose float to thermal cycle. An efficient and robust design of float is desired to overcome this problem. Currently, Float of 32 gms ( ±4gms), Diameter 57mm , working Pressure 20Bar and Temperature 220°C is used in typical Float Traps. (A video of one kind of steam trap operation is shared)

8.Bharat Forge Ltd:-

Technology bucket:-Robotics & Drones
Problem statement:-Development of 30 Kg Payload capacity multicopter
Description:-This project is for Design and Development of Multicopter for additional Payload Capacity of 30 kg. This copter must have endurance of minimum 45 minutes and should fly at 800 - 1000 meters above take off ground. decision regarding number of arms for the copter and material selection is can be taken by students.


Technology bucket:-Sustainable Environment
Problem statement:-Mask Free Air
Description:-We have seen cases of bad air quality indices across Indian metro and major cities. Last year, Delhi was at its worst! Residents were using masks wherever they go. How do we reduce the smog? How can we commercialize the collected carbon as well?


Technology bucket:-Security & Surveillance
Problem statement:-RADAR on Roads
Description:-There will be huge pile of vehicles waiting to pass through the toll booths over weekends around many cities. Though the NHAI has introduced FASTag RFID stickers, it still doesn’t address the issue. In many places its still not functional and at few it’s partially working. Places where it’s working, the vehicle needs to go slow so the sensors to detect the sticker and deduct the toll fare. What if we had a system which is similar or better to one being used in Dubai?

                     There have been some of the problem with the video links that they have provided but i have put all the videos that have the perfect links so i think this would be helpful. Please comment below.

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